Monday, October 10, 2011

Gadgets That You Wish to be Invented

                Technology has traveled a long way over the years; from performing a function of your phone just by tapping your palm to a wireless headphones with hearing aids, is all very much possible today. 3D and Plasma television, GPS navigating systems have become normal trends of the day, with so much of technological inventions at present, where the future of technology is heading too and what is that we want the tech giants to focus on and usher us. Although we have too much to choose from, at times we all wish for gadgets that will relief us from our pain, frustrations and agony. 

We went on to ask some professionals, what is the gadget that they wanted to invent and we arrived at some interesting answers from them. Here are best 10 of them.

1. Mind Reader

Mind Reader

It will be interesting to have a gadget that could read people's mind, this way we do not have to depend on false lie detectors to catch hold of petty thieves. The mind reader can be a great gadget to know people with confidential and private attitude; it can even, at times prevent crimes by tracking any malicious intention. 

2. Self Driven Cars
Self Driven Cars

Today cars already have sensors for detecting the surrounding environment and computerized steering. GPS for navigation and a journ
ey little further might take us to cars which are self driven. Imagine this will give you innumerable amount of time to spend on other things instead of worrying about the traffic. It will also be an enormous timesaver.

3. Universal Translator

Universal Translator

If you are a traveler, you would definitely want to have a universal translator which could translate any language for you.
This gadget can break all the language barriers that we have today.

4. Gadget popping your favorite chocolate/drinks

Gadget popping your favorite chocolate

This is something every chocolate/drinks lover would want, have sometime or the
other wished for.

5. Time Machine

Time Machine

This is one gadget with has been very much flaunted in novels and movies, but yet to become a reality. Imagine if you could go back on time
and rectify some of your mistakes, or meet your dear ones that you have lost.

6. Virtually Invisible

Virtually Invisible

The scenario of the world would have been very diverse if we had gadgets to be virtually invisible. Sci -fi movies like Hollow
man in Hollywood, and Mr. India in Bollywood has brought out the negative and positive impacts of a gadget that allows one to be invisible. It would also be a fun thing to have for practical jokes on your friends.

7. Flying skate boards and shoes

skate boards and shoes

Every one of us has definitely imagined how it will be to fly. We would like to have gadgets that can make this
dream come true.

8. Teleporter


Everyone wants to get where they're going, faster, with less time in airplanes and security lines. Scientists have managed to teleport information using the principles of quantum physics but they have not been able to transport a human. It would have been a huge time saving affair if teleporting of human were possible.

There may be innumerable types of gadget wish list. Do share with us what gadget you would like to see in future.

9. Gadgets to Cure Wounds

Gadgets to Cure Wounds

The medical world needs constant invention; imagine a gadget that can heal open wounds of our kids who are often prone
to such injuries. These will surely revolutionaries the health care sector. It would be tremendously useful to soldiers or anyone else who works out in the field.

10. Food Synthesizer

Food Synthesizer

Foods Synthesizer that can recreate any food or beverage at the touch of a button can be an awesome gadget to look out for in the
near future. A food synthesizer would come in handy for those always on the go or for those who simply can't cook. Think of it as having all of your favorite restaurants and your mom's kitchen in a vending machine in your own room. 

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