Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Samsung, Apple Going to introduce waterproof smartphones

A common problem faced by smartphone users is the accidental seepage of water. This may occur due to rains, sweat or any other reason for that matter. At CES 2012, a company called HZO introduced a technology, which could save a smartphone from getting damaged by water, confirms a report by Pocket-lint. HZO have also spoken with representatives from Apple and Samsung about this technology and it appears that the smartphone powerhouses are keen on using this waterproofing solution on their upcoming line.

The report by Pocket-lint states that the representative from HZO has said, “We showed the Samsung Chairman the technology with a Samsung Galaxy S that we had coated with HZO and he couldn't believe his eyes. Samsung is really excited by the tech.” The website goes on to state that Apple has also been contacted by HZO and they were hoping to use this technology on the upcoming iPhone 5 as well."
This technology of water blocking is done during the manufacturing process and it creates a nano-scale film barrier, which the company claims has special water proofing properties that take place when applied on the insides of electronic gadgets. Below is a video to give you a glimpse of how it works.

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